Going Beyond Dryer Repair: You Can Rely on Us for Your Oven Repair!

Does your electric oven smell like gas? Does it take longer to heat? These may indicate that your oven needs repair. If this continues, your electricity bills won’t be the only one in danger— the dishes your preparing would also suffer. At times like this, contact me for your oven repair. Jerry's Affordable Appliance Repair provides quality appliance repair service, including oven and dryer repair in Mesa, AZ.

I can help you with your problem.

Why let professionals take good care of your oven?

Fixing oven can be very challenging and risky. Without using the right tools and following the right procedures, you can destroy the appliance rather than fixing it. If you’re not careful, you could be electrocuted. Avoid these by calling me. I can properly diagnose your appliance.

Why choose me? 

As a technician, I’m very honest to my customers. Whether you like it or not, some ovens need replacement rather than repair. That is true for older models. If you’re going to another shop, they might accept the job with open arms, without suggesting any alternatives or giving honest opinions that can change your point of view.

I’m different. I could work with old appliances, and at the same time, explain the possible issues and expenses you might encounter in the future once you decided to fix your old oven. You might be wondering why I do this, considering that it might harm my business but actually, I believe it’s the complete opposite.

For me, your trust is the only thing that matters. As a professional, I care more about my pride and your satisfaction. That is why I don’t immediately do dryer repair or fixed oven without giving you my professional opinions. Since the oven is heavy, I’ll be visiting your site for the assessment. Let me give you a free estimate.

Jerry's Affordable Appliance Repair is a certified, licensed, and insured appliance repair company in Mesa, AZ, specialized in dryer repair service. In order not to miss my fantastic deals, call me at (480) 770-6885.

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